
I’ve wanted to be a lot of things as I’ve ridden the wild roller coaster that is life. A musician, a writer/author (there’s a difference, turns out), a mother, a wife, and the owner of an ice cream store, to name a few.

Shockingly, I’ve achieved a number of those — not the ice cream store thing, sadly, but the rest of it, and a little bit more. I’m an ADHD coach, with ADHD (diagnosed in 2021. That was a helluva ride). I’ve written and published a book, as well as written multiple times for the likes of Parents and Scary Mommy. And I’ve got a pretty great husband, and two kids are rather awesome, if I do say so myself.

I’m also an expat, having moved to Costa Rica in 2021. I’m an amateur herbalist, who’s becoming less and less of an amateur as time goes.

I’m a lot of things, is my point. And in 2023, I got really sick of having to only talk about one of those. So I decided to try talking about as many of them as I please. And now, here we are.

So look around, find what resonates, and don’t hesitate to reach out to me if you want. I love getting to say hi.

Hi, I’m Arianna.

Wanna find me elsewhere on the internet? Click below.

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